
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it’s the only thing that ever has”
Margaret Mead, social anthropologist

Like the small group of women who set up our first refuge in Stafford, we see our work as part of a much wider movement for change. We campaign and raise awareness at local, national and international levels.

Locally, we work to raise awareness, to change attitudes and to engage our local communities in supporting our vision and our values.

Nationally, we engage with the network of women’s organisations across the UK to campaign for change, combat injustice and protect the rights of women and children.

We also have a strong record for international partnership work, campaigning for change.

Our vision is a world where domestic violence, sexual violence and violence against women and girls is no longer tolerated. Activism is the part we play in achieving this.

“Activism is my rent for living on this planet”

(Alice Walker, novelist, poet, activist)

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Copyright 2025 © Staffordshire Women's Aid | Registered Charity in England No. 1155364