Domestic Violence and Abuse

You are not alone – we’re here to support you


We’re here to help

For over 45 years, Staffordshire Women’s Aid have been supporting those living with, fleeing or recovering from the impact of domestic violence and abuse.

We understand how difficult it is to take the first step, but when you feel ready, we are here to help. We will not judge you, or put any pressure on you to make decisions or take any action you’re not comfortable with. We can support and empower you to rebuild your life free from fear and violence, enabling you to see yourself as a Survivor.

What is domestic violence and abuse?

We define domestic violence and abuse as a pattern of controlling, violent and abusive behaviour, in the majority of cases by a current partner or ex-partner, but also within a family relationship. It can take place both in and outside of the home.

Domestic abuse can include, but is not limited to:

• Coercive control (a pattern of intimidation, degradation, isolation and control with the use or threat of physical or sexual violence)

• Psychological and/or emotional abuse

• Physical violence

• Sexual assault and abuse

• Financial or economic abuse

• Harassment and stalking

• Online or digital abuse

Domestic violence and abuse is very common. It can affect anyone irrespective of sex, ethnicity, class, gender identity, religion, cultural background, disability, marital status, age or sexuality. It is never your fault.

Our Services include

ForWard House Refuge and Resettlement

Forward House Refuge provides safe, self contained accommodation for women and children who need to flee their homes because of domestic violence.

All our accommodation is self contained, which means families have their own flat as well as access to communal facilities, such as the Children’s play room. We are also able to accommodate women and children with disabilities.

Dispersed Refuge Accommodation

We also provide a range of safe accommodation in the community for those fleeing domestic violence, including male victims.

If you aren’t safe in your own home and would like to access refuge please call our 24 Hour Helpline on 0300 330 5959. We can offer  advice and support to help you make this decision. If we are unable to accommodate you, or you feel you may be safer in another part of the UK, we will be able to help you access refuge space elsewhere.


Our team of qualified counsellors provide therapeutic counselling, for both adults and children over the age of 5, who have experienced domestic violence and abuse at any point during their lives. Counselling enables you to acknowledge your experiences and express your feelings in a safe and supported environment.

Counsellors at Staffordshire Women’s Aid are all qualified to diploma level or above and receive regular supervision to ensure that they work safely and to the highest possible standards. We can provide male and female counsellors upon request. In addition, a counsellor from the LGBTQIA+ community is available upon request for adult clients.

Group Work

We offer a range of therapeutic, educational and confidence building group work programmes for women and children who have experienced, or are at risk of experiencing, violence and abuse. Click here for further information.

We’re here to help

We understand how difficult it is to take the first step, but when you feel ready, we are here to help. We will not put any pressure on you to make

decisions or take any action you’re not comfortable with. If you would like to talk to someone about accessing our support call our 24-hour helpline

on 0300 330 5959 or email for more information.

“I felt listened too, understood and seen for who I am, rather than being judged in anyway, throughout my counselling with SWA.”

“Thank you for your kind words, for listening patiently and for helping me to accept myself and what happened.”

“As time went on, I began to trust myself more and more.”

“I was happy with my counsellor. I felt listened to and she gave me the time to express my emotions while learning new methods of tackling anxiety and a better mindset.”

Our Domestic Abuse Services are funded by

Speak out, Reach out!

Domestic Violence and Abuse

Survive Sexual Assault & Abuse Service

Women’s Community Services

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Copyright 2025 © Staffordshire Women's Aid | Registered Charity in England No. 1155364